文献阅读 [April 3rd]
本次阅读的三篇文献都是蜂学方面的新进展。我主要关心的是两方面问题:昆虫生理和行为特征的指标及测量方式(研究方法),以及熊蜂在环境胁迫下的反应机制(研究结论)。 Glass, J. R., Burnett, N. P., Combes, S. A., Weisman, E., Helbling, A., & Harrison, J. F. (2024). Flying, nectar-loaded honey bees conserve water and improve heat tolerance by reducing wingbeat frequency and metabolic heat production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(4), e2311025121. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2311025121 Focus on heat wave effects on honeybees Honeybees avoid overheating by lowering wingbeat frequency Reducing metabolic heat production is the result of lowering wingbeat frequency. Should not be mentioned separately as two mechanisms here. “Many flying insects generate aerodynamic force by using a combination of mechanisms, including the sweeping motion of the wing (i.e., wing translation) and by creation of rotational vortices when the wings rotate before reversing direction. Insects that fly with a large stroke amplitude generate the bulk of their force from the wing translation phase, while those that fly with a small stroke amplitude primarily generate significant forces during wing rotation.” ...